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Image by david Griffiths
  • Stress Management

  • Mindful Living

  • Authenticity

  • Purpose

Wellness  Resource Centre for Hermity People

Helping highly sensitive and/or introverted people live peacefully, purposefully and authentically in a society that was not made for us.

"I think being different, going against the grain of society, is the greatest thing in the world."  -Elijah Wood

Meet C.A.

Life Coach, Logical Mystic, Highly Sensitive Introvert & Closet Philosopher.

Hi, I'm Carissa and I'm a raging introvert, empath and highly sensitive person. For most of my life I struggled in one way or another. With anxiety, with depression, with negativity and a general certainty that there's no place for me in this world. The great thing about difficult experiences are the lessons they bring and through these challenges, I have learned how to be radically and authentically me and to value  my contributions to the world.

This website is meant to be a refuge for other people like me who appreciate solitude, deep thought, the artistic, the philosophical, the mystic and the incomparable beauty of nature. 

Follow along with me as I continue my own journey as a true and unapologetic Hermit in a world that may not always recognize or value quiet contributions, but more than certainly needs them.


“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

What's Available?

Free Worksheets & Resources

1-to-1 Coaching

Facebook Community

Hermity Blog

Online Programs

Image by Bruno Alves

Looking for personalized support? Book a consultation with Hermit Life today.


"I never thought I would find life coaching useful since I AM a life coach. Boy, was I wrong. Once we got going on archetypes, I never looked back! Wow! I strongly urge you to just try it. I think you’ll be amazed."           

- Vickie V.

"The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance."

- Brene Brown


"Carissa is a natural listener who is skilled at getting you to think a little deeper. In a year that brought many challenges she helped me navigate my thoughts and develop an action plan, without ever making me feel she was being pushy or judgmental. Carissa is a perfect balance of personal and professional and I highly recommend her coaching."        

- Kristine L.

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